Brian Benson is the author of GOING SOMEWHERE, and co-author, with Richard Brown, of THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. His essays have been published in Tahoma Literary Review, X-R-A-Y, Pithead Chapel, Hippocampus, Bending Genres, and Sweet, among many other publications, and his work has been featured in several anthologies.

Brian grew up in northern Wisconsin, just across the road from a lake shaped like a heart and just outside a town with three bars and no stoplights. Much of his youth was spent biking back roads and variously injuring himself in the woods and water. He went to college at UW-Madison, where he pursued two lib-arts degrees and took zero creative writing classes, and after a few years of bouncing around the Americas on bus and bike, he landed in Portland, Oregon, where he now lives with his partner and a dog who looks like something Jim Henson made on an off day.

Brian teaches creative nonfiction at the Attic Institute and out of his home, and volunteers with Write Around Portland. He is at work on his third book, an essay collection about modern masculinity.