“On Being a Dot,” forthcoming in Under the Sun
“Against Afternoon,” forthcoming in Tahoma Literary Review
“Men Talking” and “Have You Ever Heard of a Guy Named Arnold Schwarzenegger,” forthcoming in Harpur Palate
“I Like It This Way,” “Cover Story,” and “Better Late Than Never,” forthcoming in Buckman Journal
“No Time to Die,” forthcoming in Reckon Review
“To the Man Who Didn’t Humiliate Me,” forthcoming in Permafrost Magazine
“Wishing Well,” Scrawl Place
“Are You Okay,” Pithead Chapel
“Super Soaker,” “The Blahs,” and “I Need to Tell You Something,” BULL Lit
“Victim Complex: A Found Essay,” Bending Genres
“Love Story” and “Please Take Your Litter Home,” Sweet (“Love Story” nominated for Pushcart Prize)
“Central Heating,” Oregon Humanities
“How to Learn a Language,” first published in Hunger Mountain, featured in Short Reads
“Water, Vapor,” Five Minutes
"Three Rules for Goodbyes,” Blood Tree Literature, featured in Jill Talbot’s forthcoming book, “The Essay Form(s)”
“Back Seat,” first published in Hippocampus, featured in Creative Nonfiction’s Sunday Short Reads
“To the Guy Listening to Kansas In His Yard,” Off Assignment
“Why I Read Bus Benches,” The Sun