Book Launch at Powell’s
On Friday, March 5, Powell’s hosted a book launch for THIS IS NOT FOR YOU.
Some Thoughts on Teaching
I love teaching just as much as I love writing, and I feel like that comes through in this interview with the Attic’s Paige Thomas.
How I Came to Co-write Richard Brown’s Memoir
I never could have imagined, back in the winter of 2016, that I’d meet a man like Richard Brown, that I’d come to call him a good friend.
New Essay: All You Are Being Asked
Back in March, when 2020 was just starting to become what it would become, I wrote an essay about how it felt to be alive.
Proof That I Exist: An Anthology
Proof That I Exist, the Daily Write anthology, features pieces by sixty-four writers from twelve states. Jen Wilkerson, a regular Daily Writer, illustrated the book.
Daily Write
Every day in April and May of 2020, I offered a free guided writing session via Zoom. This session was open to everyone, everywhere, and the setup was simple: we all read an essay or poem, then I gave a prompt, and we wrote, together, for twenty minutes.
Flash Essay in the Sun
I’ve always loved The Sun’s Readers Write section—they’ve been publishing flash nonfiction since way before it was cool—and last winter, I submitted a piece about this dumpy pizzeria I’m desperately in love with. Lucky me, they chose to publish it.
New Essay: Central Heating
For awhile now, I’ve been working on a story centered in the autumn of 2013, a season that found me reeling from a breakup, learning how to teach, and living on a dead warship with no bathroom.
I’m in a Book About Writing Books
I’m so honored to be one of eleven featured authors in Behind the Book, compiled by fellow midwesterner Chris Jones.